Notice of Upcoming Price Increase : Last chance to buy at low prices

Pricing Plans

Attention all Breakdance Builder Community users!

We are excited to announce that Pixels Library Plus is growing rapidly, and we will soon reach 200+ layouts & 2000+ Sections. To celebrate this milestone and continue providing you with the best possible service, we will be updating the price of our LTD (Life Time Deal) and Annual (Yearly) packages on Nov 1, 2024.

Planned New Prices

LTD (Life Time Deal) package: The price will be updated to $249 on Nov 1, 2024.

 Annual (Yearly) package: The price will be updated to $149 on Nov 1, 2024.

Thanks For Being Part of the Pixels Library Plus Journey

Simple Plans. Simple Prices.

The Ultimate Powerful Design Collection for Breakdance and start working smarter, not harder!
$ 99.99
/ Yearly
Professional Plan
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Remote template access
  • 1 Year Access to Wireframe Kit (200+ Sections)
  • 1 Year Access to All Layouts (80+)
  • 1 Year Access to All Webkits(1600+ Sections)
  • 1 Year Access to All Layout Packs (65+)
  • 1 Year Premium Support
  • 1 Year Regular Updates
  • 1 Year Access to All Products
  • 1 Year Access to Future Products
Sign Up Today !
$ 199.99
/One Time Fee
Business Plan
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Remote template access
  • Lifetime Access to Wireframe Kit (200+ Sections)
  • Lifetime Access to All Layouts (80+)
  • Lifetime Access to All Webkits (1600+ Sections)
  • Lifetime Access to All Layout Packs (65+)
  • Lifetime Awesome Support
  • Lifetime Updates
  • Lifetime Access to All Products
  • Lifetime Access to Future Products
Sign Up Today !
Introducing Single Product Purchase Option!
Now you can buy individual product from Pixels Library Plus
Before purchase you can try our free breakdance templates.
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Do you want to try our breakdance templates before join us !
Don't worry just try our 22+ freebies where you get 15+ free breakdance layout , 1 free woocommerce layouts pack , 6 free layouts pack and 1 webkits etc.
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Cutting-edge for Breakdance Builder

Get started and get access to the biggest collection of Breakdance layouts , webkits & landing page .
Jumpstart your next Breakdance project with this amazing selection for an amazing price!
Not every idea fits in a box. Customize your Breakdance website with us
Pixels Library Plus © 2024. All rights reserved.
Breakdance Builder is a registered trademark of Breakdance.